Blog Post #26: Survey Review

 Hey everyone! 

In this blog, I'll be sharing the results from my magazine survey.

 I created this survey last week for my peers & received 20 responses. It was great to see the different opinions form because, it allowed for me to get a wide, broad view of what people would like see in a fashion magazine.

Forms response chart. Question title: What should be on the cover of the magazine?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

The cover is the most important feature of a magazine & this is because it's the first thing that you see whether it's in a convenience store or a shopping mall, it gravitates the viewers. In result:

  • 70% (14 people) voted for "A female adult model & teen model (1 of each)."
  • 25% (5 people) voted for "A group of black women (16-30+)."
  • 5 % (1 person) Cartoon image of a black fashion model

Forms response chart. Question title: Based on your opinion above, what kind of camera shot would compliment the cover best?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

Another important magazine feature besides the cover is the camera shot. When the cover & camera shot angle come together, it compliments the magazine altogether. In this survey, I asked my peers what kind of camera shot would correlate with the cover of "Girly Co." Their responses were: 

  • 25% (5 people) "Close up shot".
  • 40% (8 people) "Full body shot".
  • 5% (1 person) "Long shot".
  • 30% (6 people) "Mid shot".

Forms response chart. Question title: Would you be likely to read these fashion segments curated for African American women? (The Trending 411, Fashion Do's & Don'ts, 50 Shades Of Melanin, Slim/ Plus, Seasonal Style.). Number of responses: .

In this next question, I asked my peers to vote on a scale from very likely to unlikely. With "Girly Co." I wanted the fashion segments to vary. For instance, 'The Trending 411' segment would include the latest fashion trends that are occurring in the world & 'Slim/Plus' is a segment for women of all shapes & sizes because it's important for "Girly Co." to be an inclusive magazine. In result, my peers voted:

"The Trending 411" 

-Very likely (6 people)
-Likely (10 people)
-Neutral (3 people)
-Unlikely (1 person)

"Fashion Do's & Don'ts"

-Very likely (10 people)
-Likely (5 people)
-Neutral (3 people)
- Unlikely (2 people)

"50 Shades of Melanin"

-Very likely (7 people)
-Likely (7 people)
- Neutral (3 people)
-Unlikely (3 people)


- Very likely (3 people)
-Likely ( 10 people)
-Neutral (3 people)
-Unlikely (4 people)

"Seasonal Style"

-Very likely (4 people)
-Likely (10 people)
-Neutral (4 people)
-Unlikely (2 people)

Forms response chart. Question title: Since 'Girly Co.' caters to young & older women, how old are you?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

As mentioned before, 'Girly Co.' is a fashion magazine that is curated for African American young & older women. Therefore, I asked my peers what their age range was.

15% - 16 years of age (3 people)
60%- 17 years of age (12 people)
25%- 18 years of age (5 people)
0%- Others

Forms response chart. Question title: Should I include a fashion history column where I'll interview women about how fashion has impacted them along with vintage photos?. Number of responses: 19 responses.

In this magazine, I envision it to be versatile & thought it would be great to include a vintage column where different women will be interviewed about their experience with fashion & how it has impacted them. So, I asked my peers about their thoughts on that fashion segment. Here are the results:

94.7%- Yes (18 people)
5.3%- No (1 person)

Forms response chart. Question title: Would you prefer the text to be formal or informal?. Number of responses: 20 responses.
In this next question, I asked whether or not "Girly Co." should be formal, informal or a mixture. While a cover page & camera shot is important, it's also vital to make sure that the text appeals to the reader. Some magazine readers prefer formal or informal & others would rather receive the information while relating to what they're reading. Here are the reports:

10%- Formal (2 people)
5%-Informal (1 person)
85%- A mixture (17 people)

In this last question, I closed out the survey with a very important question. "When reading a fashion magazine what do you look forward to the most?" I wanted to get an understanding of what it is they expect from a fashion magazine. These were their responses:

"The newest type of fashion."
"How women can inspire people."
"something nonjudgmental."
"The different clothing designs."
"Fashion advice for curvier and thicker women. Pictures of styles that women are into these days."
"Seeing the different clothes and styles."
"Tips on finding your style."
"seeing the front cover and what they are wearing."
"I do not read fashion magazines."
"The pictures."
"Tips and latest fashion trends."
"Style tips and advice."
"I don't think I've ever read a fashion magazine, but I'd think I would be most interested in articles about any recent trends."
"Learning maybe some fashion styling tips."
"Fashion Tips."
"Tips on how to dress certain items."
"Seeing different fashion representations in the black community."
"the latest trends."

Overall, I appreciate the honest responses from my peers because it helped me come to a conclusion about what should be included in my fashion magazine.

Thank you for tuning in!


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