Blog Post #60:Evaluation: CCR 1: How Does Your Product Use Or Challenge Conventions & How Does It Represent Social Groups Or Issues?

Evaluation CCR1 video link:

Hello, my name is Felixia Francis. Today I will be answering compulsory question one. This is for my AICE Media studies Cambridge AS level course. 

Compulsory question 1 asks 'How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issue?'

My magazine follows the basic conventional Rules and Guidelines of a standard magazine, amongst other things it includes a masthead, a tagline, a coverline, a cover image, a barcode, an issue number and date. In order to gain inspiration for my magazine, I followed the example of various fashion magazines that inspired me such as Vogue, Teen Vogue & Essence. 


For the cover page conventions, the first thing you notice is the masthead, the masthead is the title of the magazine & it is also in the biggest font with the sole purpose of standing out. My Masthead is Girly Co. which is not only in the biggest font of the entire magazine, but it is also in the Colo Pro font. I included a neon white color to place emphasis. Next, we have the tagline which is placed right above the masthead, and it is used to give an idea on to what the magazine will be about.

The Tagline of my magazine says, ‘Black women showing style’, this allows the reader to know what this issue will be about and to what’s included in the magazine. To add, my magazine includes several cover lines which give an insight as to what will be inside the magazine. Now, I added a special touch to one of them. It’s seen in an announcement bubble that mentions my exclusive interview & the page that it’s located on. This tag is used to highlight the featured article which is in the double page spread of my magazine. Also, there’s a cover image which shows the model for my magazine which in my case is who I interviewed for my featured article. I learned this tip from my inspired magazines. Lastly, we have the barcode and right above it is the date, the issue number and the price of the magazine. 


Onto the contents page conventions, the first thing noticed is the title which is in the biggest font of the entire page. On the side of the title, I implemented headings which are the names of the articles featured. What’s also included next to the headings are their page numbers for easy access of the article. Right below the title, entails what this magazine is about. It says, ‘Teenage writing, Fashion, Photography & Culture’. Underneath those descriptions, I added an image of my subject model & seven topic circles that entails what would be featured in the magazine. To add to my magazine, my model is seen holding one of the circles. I included the page numbers in a neon bolded pink color along with the subheadings which, has small summaries of what the article will be about. The purpose of this is to get the audience interested in the article. 


Now moving on to how my magazine represents social groups or issues. My magazine specifically caters to African American women representing style. It provides insight on the various ways to show fashion sense. This specific issue also includes how to spot fashion errors & and it inspires the audience to embrace their bodies & skin color. Which is something that is being encouraged today. 



That's all for today. See you soon!


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