Blog Post #31: Table of Contents Inspiration!

 Hi there!

Today I'm going to be analyzing the three table of content templates that attracted me the most. I'll add certain details from them & use it in my table of contents.

Table of contents #1: 

I admire how modern & contemporary it is & the layout/setup of the page because it's simple but still captures the attention of the viewers. 

Table of contents #2: 

This table of contents will be implemented in my magazine because of the vibrant colors. It has a bubbly effect that I'm attracted to.

Table of contents #3: 

I'm gravitated to this table of contents because it has a 'VOGUE' aesthetic that I like appreciate very much. 'VOGUE' is one of the magazines that inspires my magazine so I'll incorporate this element.

See you in the next blog where I'll be showing my final table of contents template!


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