Blog Post #29: Cover Page Inspiration!

 Welcome back guys!

In this blog, I'll be showing my cover page inspirations & picking the template that I like the most.

*Special thank you to Canva for the fashion magazine templates.*

Magazine #1:

With this magazine cover, I like the combination of pink/burgundy & how they compliment each other. It's fun, bubbly but still has that certain sophistication that caught my attention.

Magazine #2:

Next up, is this vibrant magazine & what gravitates me the most is the pop of colors. I also like the cleverness of the subheadline. It's always great to curate eye-catching captions because it peaks the interest of the viewers.

Magazine #3:

I admire the sleekness of this template. It's clean, classy & just has that "IT" factor which I like. What's so different about this cover page is the unique aesthetic. With the other two templates above, they have pops of color & are flamboyant. But this is simple & it still finds a way to catch the eyes of the viewers.

See you in the next blog where I'll be showing my final cover page template!


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