Blog Post #33: Fashion Photography Inspiration (PT.1)

 Hi! Welcome back to my blog.

In today's blog I'll be sharing my fashion inspiration for 'Girly Co.' This magazine will include streetwear, preppy, Y2K, monochromatic fashion etc. & I hope to channel all of those into my magazine perfectly.


                  *All photos are provided by Pinterest & edited on Canva.*


Over the past few years, streetwear has grown to be a go-to style for society. It's a casual, unisex style that allows for not only men but, women to express themselves through fashion. You can wear a fitted baseball cap, baggy-jeans, sneakers & an oversized t-shirt & still be feminine. What I like about streetwear is that it breaks the social norms of how society thinks women should dress. 


Y2K is an acronym for "the year 2000." It's a fashion trend that covers the late 90's & early/mid 2000s style. With Y2K it includes vibrant colors, fur, velour tracksuits, prints ( animal etc.) I feel as if this trend has been so impactful that, it has been active for many years especially today.


Next up is prep! Preppy wear is a classic, polish sort of collegiate style. This style includes flair/pencil skirts, pull- over sweaters, cardigans, ankle or calf length socks etc. I mainly gravitate to prep wear because it gives off a girly, clean look. This style has been seen all throughout media & television productions such as 'Gossip Girl' which plays a part in many fashion influences.


Monochromatic fashion is an outfit that is made up of one color or a similar shade. What's so great about this fashion trend is that it's fun, different & keeps things interesting. Whether it's streetwear, Y2K or prep, one can always implement monochrome into their wardrobe. 

See you in the second part of my 'Photography Inspiration.' series!


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