Blog Post #44: Feature Writing Practice #2

 Welcome back!

In my last blog, I demonstrated writing a feature lead story. Today I'll be writing another lead story but this time, it'll be in a different style.

Practice example: 

The police in this municipality received a call at 3:45 p.m. yesterday afternoon. A woman shouted at the sergeant who answered the telephone. She said: "My son's been beaten. His teacher whipped him this afternoon, and he's all red where she paddled him. Can teachers do that? That's assault and battery, and I want her arrested." Two police officers were sent to the home. They questioned the boy, who is 9 years old. At his mother's insistence, the police officers also inspected the boy's reported injuries. They reported: "We couldn't tell that the boy had been paddled. His fanny didn't look red to us, but we did notice that his pants legs were wet and muddy. As we talked, it became obvious that he boy was lying. He finally admitted that he had stopped to play on the way home from school, forgot the time and got home late. He told his mother that the teacher had spanked him and kept him after school. His mother was there with us and heard the whole story. She said she'd take of the situation, and we're quite certain that she will, as she was very embarrassed. In fact, we could hear her giving the kid a real paddling as we left—and a hard one."

 Describe the lead: This lead could be described as a twist. It uses a shocking introduction to grab the attention of readers & then the ending surprised the readers.

Feature lead story (Descriptive): 

As Nico's mother saw her son limping through the front door she initially began to feel worried. When he explained that his teacher whipped him, she shakingly dialed 911 & informed the officer that she wanted his teacher arrested.

Describe the lead: To make my lead story descriptive, I described the emotions & actions that took place in order to allow the readers to visualize.


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