Blog Post #47: Student Sample Question Interview

  Welcome back to my blog!

I'll be sharing my practice interview that'll assist in preparing me for my official magazine interview. I interviewed my classmate Semira, who is also conducting her own magazine as well.

What's something unique that sets you apart from everyone?
  • "I'm very forgiving & I put myself first."

Who do you consider to be your role model?
  • She considers her mother to be her role model in life.

What are your hobbies?
  • "Dancing & learning new things."

What are your strengths?
  • Semira says that her open-mindedness & positivity are her strengths.

What are your weaknesses?
  • Semira says that her weaknesses are being soft-spoken & a procrastinator.

How do you handle stress?
  • "Aromatherapy."

What are some of the goals that you've set?
  • "To become a doctor."

What's your magazine genre?
  • "Performance arts."

What's your target audience?
  • She states that her target audience is for anyone that enjoys performing arts.

How would you describe your writing style?
  • "Informative & multiple p.o.v."

How does your magazine reflect yourself?
  • Semira says that her magazine reflects her love for dance.

What are 3 words to describe your magazine?
  • "Variety, graphic & talent."

What have you learned during this process?
  • "Different perspectives in film & importance of perspective."

What can your readers look forward to in this magazine?
  • "The photography."

I had the pleasure of talking with Semira about her magazine & who she is as a person.

                                   See you soon!


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